Monday, August 24, 2009

Steampunk art

I met with a local steampunk artist today. She makes steampunk jewelry, and she does really pretty stuff.  I wanted to see some of her pieces in person, so I met her for lunch.  Her stuff's so nice I wanted to share with you guys. Here's her stuff: Dream Steam.  I can vouch for the quality of her work. She's VERY good. If you're looking for that perfect piece to complete a steam punk costume, or you just want something very unique for every day use... this is the place to get it!


Dream Steam said...

It was great to meet you and your well-behaved munchkins!
Thank you for mentioning me here. =)

~ DS

Heather Dudley said...

It was a true pleasure! I enjoyed hanging out, and seeing your art. It's really high-quality stuff!